Make More Money and Save Up To 90% Of Your Time In Your Business with AI in Just 30 Days

Hey there,

I'm not going to waste your time with the usual sales pitch because, let's be honest, you've probably seen your fair share of those.

I won't be the person to overpromise and underdeliver.

You deserve more than that!

So, here’s the thing.

You and I know that life can be unpredictable.

In the last couple of months, I faced a profound loss with the passing of my dear mother.

During this challenging time, it became crystal clear how valuable it is to leverage the full potential of AI to transform your business, especially when life takes unexpected turns.

Let's be honest, the struggles faced by business owners and solopreneurs when life happens are real:

📌 The constant pressure to produce engaging content, even when inspiration is elusive.

📌 The challenge of writing compelling copy that resonates with your target audience.

📌 The risk of burnout as you juggle multiple roles and responsibilities.

📌 The need for fresh, innovative ideas that set your business apart.

📌 The ever-present fear of falling behind in the ever-evolving landscape of entrepreneurship.

Life can get tough pretty fast!

But here's what sets you apart:

Your unwavering determination to overcome those obstacles, your drive to succeed, and your commitment to making your business thrive.

You're not alone in this journey, and there's a path forward.

This upcoming AI Bootcamp is designed with you in mind.

It's not about replacing you; it's about helping you get results with the power of AI.

I'll show you how AI tools can help you navigate the world of entrepreneurship, save you time, and boost your productivity.

This boot camp isn't just about technology; it's about transformation.

I'll hold your hands and show you the knowledge and tools to:

✔Leverage AI to supercharge your content creation, so you never have to face writer's block again.

✔Automate your social media posts for an entire month, saving you precious time.

✔Use AI-driven creativity to craft compelling Ad campaigns.

✔Unlock the potential of AI tools for detailed content and marketing research.

✔Create your AI Chatbot to engage with your audience.

And much more.

The best part?

I've carefully designed this bootcamp to address your specific needs.

I understand the struggles you face and the dreams you're pursuing.

And no, this isn’t the first time I’ve trained business owners like yourself on how to leverage AI in their business and personal life.

See what my previous students have to say about my last Masterclass:

What You'll Learn

Week 1: Leveraging AI Tools for Content Writing and Social Media Automation

I'll show you how to use the power of AI for in-depth content creation and automating social media content.

Week 2: Crafting Your Personal AI Chatbot:

Learn the art of creating your AI chatbot - one that engages your customers and provides instant assistance and support, even when you can't be there 24/7.

Week 3: How To Build A No-Code Landing Page for Your Business

This is your ticket to making money while you sleep.

Week 4: From Leads to Sales - The AI Way:

Learn the secrets of using AI tools to generate leads and boost your marketing efforts. I’ll show you how to turn potential clients into loyal customers.

In the world of business, we often hear the phrase, “You get what you pay for.”

It’s a principle that rings true, but what if I told you that there are moments when you get far more than what you invest?

This Bootcamp is one such moment.

The value you’ll receive is immeasurable, and I want to paint a clear picture of what you’ll gain.

Imagine the hours and hours of work you’ll save.

No more staring at a blank screen, struggling to craft the perfect content.

No more wasting time on tasks that could be automated, giving you room to focus on the core of your business.

Now, think about the money you’ll earn.

With AI’s assistance, you’ll not only save, but you’ll also generate more income.

Imagine the possibilities, the new opportunities, and the growth that lies ahead.

If I were to place a price tag on the incredible value you’ll receive, it would far surpass the ordinary.

A program like this, one that can transform your business and set you on a path to success, could easily be valued at 50,000 Naira or more.

But I want to make it accessible to those who, like me, have faced their fair share of challenges.

This isn’t just a business venture; it’s a passion project.

I want to ensure that no one goes through the same struggles I did, especially when life throws its unexpected challenges.

Am I charging 30,000 Naira?

(even if I do, you'll still be underpaying for the value you'll be getting)

But, no, I’m not.

I believe in making this opportunity as affordable as possible to those who truly need it.

This Bootcamp costs 25,000 only.

Now, let’s dive into the details of how you can secure your spot:

The first 10 people to register will enjoy my exclusive early bird pricing at just 15,000 Naira.

Once I get the first 10 payments, the price goes back to the initial 25,000 Naira.

Still haven’t clicked the link?

Okay, there’s more.

You also get:


Bonus 1 : AI Mastery Community (worth #10,000)

When you join this Bootcamp, you gain access to my AI Mastery Community, a supportive haven where you’ll connect with like-minded individuals on a similar journey.

This community is a resource in itself, a place to exchange insights, strategies, and ideas to maximize your AI journey.

Bonus 2: My Personal AI Tools Monetization Playbook (worth #50,000)

In this exclusive bonus, you gain access to my Personal Playbook on How To Monetize These AI Tools.

This isn’t just about understanding the tools; it’s about leveraging them to elevate your business and boost your income.

Bonus 3: Personalized AI Consultation Session (worth #25,000)

In this bonus, I offer a limited number of participants a one-on-one personalized AI consultation session.

During this session, you’ll have the opportunity to discuss your specific business challenges, goals, and how AI can be tailored to meet your unique needs.

Bonus 3: How To Write Copies That Convert Using AI (worth #25,000)

In this bonus, you will learn how to write copies that actually sell.

If you've read this far and you're still contemplating your decision, here are three possible reasons why:

1. "Is AI too complex for me to understand and implement?"

I get it; AI can sound intimidating.

But the truth is, this program is designed to make AI accessible to everyone, regardless of your technical background.

I’ll break down complex concepts into simple, actionable steps, ensuring you can use AI's power without any prior expertise.

2. "Can I really afford this program?"

It's natural to consider the financial aspect.

However, I’ve made this program exceptionally affordable, considering the immense value it provides.

Plus, with flexible pricing options (you can book your slot with 5,000 only and pay the rest at your pace).

I aim to accommodate your budget, so you can invest in your business's future without breaking the bank.

3. "What if I don't have the time to commit?"

Time is a valuable resource, and I understand your concerns.

That's why our program is designed with your busy schedule in mind.

You'll have access to the content at your own pace, making it adaptable to your life, not the other way around.

These objections and mindset limitations are valid, but I've 'taken measures to ensure they won't stand in your way.

These objections and mindset limitations are valid, but I've taken measures to ensure they won't stand in your way.


Q1: Who is this AI webinar for?

This AI webinar is designed for entrepreneurs, freelancers, solopreneurs, and small business owners looking to leverage AI technology to simplify their operations, save time, and boost their business performance.

Whether you're a beginner or have some AI knowledge, this program will provide value to participants at all levels.

Q2: How will the content be delivered, and is it flexible to my schedule?

We'll meet twice a week for four weeks, with each session providing hands-on training and time for your questions.

All sessions will be recorded, so you won't miss out even if you can't attend live.

You can always access the materials whenever it's convenient for you, making it adaptable to your schedule and lifestyle.

Q3: How long will I have access to the program content?

You'll have lifetime access to all program materials.

You can revisit the content as often as you'd like, ensuring you have the support and resources you need throughout your AI journey.

Q4: How does the pricing structure work, and are there any payment options available?

You can still secure your place for just 15,000 Naira or 4 times payment of 5k

What People Say

Meet Your Coach

Meet Abimbola Abe , a seasoned AI Thought leader and business automation enthusiast.

With a passion for empowering businesses, Abimbola has trained over 300 individuals this year in harnessing the power of AI to automate various aspects of their operations.

Constantly dedicated to staying at the forefront of the ever-evolving AI landscape, Abimbola is committed to lifelong learning, taking courses, and upgrading skills to ensure they remain at the cutting edge of this transformative technology.

Abimbola's mission is to help businesses and individuals thrive by automating the mundane and supercharging efficiency through the latest AI innovations

Are you ready to Transform your business and reclaim your time, creativity and success?

Get all the tools you need to save time and boost sales (while saving money!)

Created by Abimbola Abe

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